15. Article in a Journal Paginated by Volume

Article Author. (Publication Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, Volume Number, Page Numbers.

Mace, B. L., Corser, G. C., Zitting, L., & Denison, J. (2013). Effects of overflights on the national park experience. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 35, 30-39.

16. Article in a Journal Paginated by Issue

Article Author. (Publication Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, Volume Number(Issue Number), Page Numbers.

Clancy, S., & Simpson, L. (2002). Literacy learning for indigenous students: Setting a research agenda. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 25(2), 47-64.

17. Magazine Article

Article Author. (Publication Year, Month). Title of article. Title of Magazine, Volume Number(Issue Number), Page Number(s).

Doll, J. (2013, June). The evolution of hand gestures: Why do some die out and others endure? The Atlantic, 200(1167): 58-60.

18. Newspaper Article

Article Author. (Publication Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Newspaper, p. Page Number.

Tobar, H. (2013, May 28). Tech-savvy parents prefer print over e-books for kids, PEW reports. Los Angeles Times, p. 24.

19. Letter to the Editor

Include “Letter to the editor” in brackets after the letter title (if any) and before the period.

Author. (Publication Year, Month Day). Title of letter [Letter to the editor]. Title of Newspaper, p. Page Number.

Murray, M. (2013, April 24). Giving cash to panhandlers is the wrong way to help [Letter to the editor]. Denver Post, p. A17.

20. Review

After the review title (if any), include in brackets “Review of the” and the medium of the work being reviewed (“book,” “film,” “CD,” etc.), followed by the title of the work in italics. If the reviewed work is a book, include the author’s name after a comma; if it’s a film or other media, include the year of release.

Author Name. (Publication Year, Month Day). Title of review [Review of the book Book title, by Author Name]. Title of Periodical, Volume Number, Page Number.

Abramson, J. (2012, November 11). Grand bargainer [Review of the book Thomas Jefferson: The art of power, by J. Meacham]. The New York Times Book Review, 3, 1.