31. Group, Corporate, or Government Document

List the group or agency as the author, and include any identifying numbers. Many federal agencies’ works are published by the U.S. Government Printing Office. If the group is also the publisher, use the word “Author” rather than repeating the group name at the end of the entry.

Name of Group, Corporation, or Government Agency. (Publication Year). Title of document (Identifying number, if any). Publication City, State (abbreviated) or Country of Publication: Publisher.

National Equal Pay Task Force. (2013). Fifty years after the Equal Pay Act: Assessing the past, taking stock of the future (PREX 1.2:EQ 2). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Maine Department of Health and Human Services. (2011). Connections: A guide for family caregivers in Maine. Augusta, ME: Author.

32. Published Conference Proceedings

Editor(s). (Eds.). (Publication Year). Proceedings of the Conference Name: Book title. Publication City, State (abbreviated) or Country of Publication: Publisher.

Contreras, F., Farjas, M., & Melero, F. J. (Eds.). (2013). Proceedings of the 38th annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology: Fusion of cultures. Oxford, United Kingdom: Archaeopress.

33. Dissertation Abstract

For dissertations abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts International, include the author’s name, date, and dissertation title. Then include the volume, issue, and page number. If you access the dissertation from an electronic database, identify the type of work (“Doctoral dissertation”) before giving the database name and any identifying number. If you retrieve the abstract from the Web, include the name of the institution in the parentheses, and then give the URL.

Author. (Year of Publication). Title of dissertation. Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume Number(Issue Number), Page Number.

Hand, J. A. (2011). Making sense of change: Sexuality transformation at midlife. Dissertation Abstracts International, 72(9), 8745B.

Hand, J. A. (2011). Making sense of change: Sexuality transformation at midlife (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (9347727101).

Hand, J. A. (2011). Making sense of change: Sexuality transformation at midlife (Doctoral dissertation. Temple University). Retrieved from http://cdm16002.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/compoundobject/collection/p245801coll10/id/108810/rec/14

34. Film

Writer(s), Producer(s), Director(s). (Release year). Film title [Motion picture]. Country of Origin: Movie Studio.

Terrio, C. (Writer), Affleck, B. (Director/Producer), & Clooney, G., & Heslov, G. (Producers). (2012). Argo [Motion picture]. United States: GK Films.

35. Television Program

Writer(s), Producer(s), Director(s). (Year of Release). Title of episode [Television series episode]. In Producer Initials. Last Name (Producer), Title of series. City, State (abbreviated) or Country of Publication: Broadcast Company.

Zwonitzer, M. (Writer/Producer/Director). (2013). Jesse James [Television series episode]. In M. Samels (Producer), American Experience. Boston, MA: WGBH.

36. Musical Recording

Writer. (Copyright Year). Title of song [Recorded by Artist Name]. On Album title [Recording medium]. City of Recording, State (abbreviated) or Country of Publication: Record Label. (Recording Year).

Lennon, J., & McCartney, P. (1967). With a little help from my friends [Recorded by The Beatles]. On Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band: Remastered [CD]. Los Angeles, CA: Capitol. (2009).

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