Annotated Bibliographies

Chapter Opener


summarize and assess sources

summarize and assess sources

How to start

Annotated Bibliographies

When you are preparing a term paper, senior thesis, or other lengthy research project, an instructor may expect you to submit an annotated bibliography. The bibliography may be due weeks before you turn in the paper, or it may be turned in with the finished project.

  • image A sociology instructor asks that your topic proposal for a midterm paper on rural poverty include an annotated bibliography that demonstrates a range of perspectives in your reading.
  • image Your senior history thesis is based upon letters and archival materials found only in a local museum. So you attach an annotated bibliography to your completed project to give readers a clearer sense of what some of the handwritten documents cover.
  • image In writing a term paper on the cultural roots and connections of gangsta/reality rap, you decide to annotate your works cited items to let readers know what sources you found most authoritative and useful for future research.
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