
Chapter Opener


it’s or its?


Like gnats, apostrophes are small and irritating. They have two major functions: to signal that a noun is possessive and to indicate where letters have been left out in contractions. Apostrophes always need careful review.

Use apostrophes to form the possessive. The basic rules for forming the possessive aren’t complicated: For singular nouns, add ’s to the end of the word:

the wolf’s lair

the photographer’s portfolio

IBM’s profits

Bush’s foreign policy

Some possessives, while correct, look or sound awkward. In these cases, try an alternative:

the class’s photo the class photo; the photo of the class
Alicia Keys’s latest hit the latest hit by Alicia Keys
Kansas’s budget in the Kansas budget; in the budget of Kansas

For plural nouns that do not end in s, also add ’s to the end of the word:

men’s shoes

the mice’s tails

the geese’s nemesis

For plural nouns that do end in s, add an apostrophe after that terminal s:

the wolves pups

the Bushes foreign policies

three senators votes

Use apostrophes in contractions. An apostrophe in a contraction takes the place of missing letters. Edit carefully, keeping in mind that a spell-checker doesn’t help you with such blunders. It catches only words that make no sense without apostrophes, such as dont or Ive.

DRAFT Its a shame that its come to this.
CORRECTED It’s (It is) a shame that it’s (it has) come to this.
DRAFT Whose got the list of whose going on the trip?
CORRECTED Who’s (Who has) got the list of who’s (who is) going on the trip?

Don’t use apostrophes with possessive pronouns. The following possessives do not take apostrophes: its, whose, his, hers, ours, yours, and theirs.

DRAFT We photographed the tower at it’s best angle.
CORRECTED We photographed the tower at its best angle.
DRAFT The book is her’s, not his.
CORRECTED The book is hers, not his.
DRAFT Their’s may be an Oscar-winning film, but our’s is still better.
CORRECTED Theirs may be an Oscar-winning film, but ours is still better.

There is, inevitably, an exception. Indefinite pronouns such as everybody, anybody, nobody, and so on do show possession via ’s.

House of Cards was everybody’s favorite.

Why it was so successful is anybody’s guess.

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