Although the Roman republic was not a democracy, its nonelite citizens were an important political force. What evidence can you find in Roman Women Demonstrate against the Oppian Law and The Gracchan Reforms to support this claim?
accept_blank_answers: true
points: 10
How do the documents in this chapter lend support to the argument that the importance of law was a basic Roman value?
accept_blank_answers: true
points: 10
What do both Plutarch and Caesar reveal about the ways in which war shaped Roman society and politics?
accept_blank_answers: true
points: 10
Imagine that the sculptor of the Roman bust was designing a statue of Caesar. Based on Caesar’s self-portrait in The Gallic War of his actions during the climax of the siege of Alesia, what features do you think the sculptor would include and why?
accept_blank_answers: true
points: 10