Important Events

1860sā€“1890sImpressionism flourishes in the arts; absorption of Asian influences
1870sā€“1890sVast emigration from Europe continues; the new imperialism
1871Franco-Prussian War ends
1873Extended economic recession begins with global impact
1876British Parliament declares Victoria empress; invention of telephone
1878Treaty of San Stefano
1879Dual Alliance is formed between Germany and Austria-Hungary
1881Tsar Alexander II is assassinated; France occupies Tunisia
1882Triple Alliance is formed between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy; Britain invades Egypt
1882ā€“1884Bismarck sponsors social welfare legislation
1884British Parliament passes the Reform Act, doubling size of male electorate
1884ā€“1885European nations carve up Africa at Berlin conference
1885Invention of workable gasoline engine; formation of Indian National Congress
1889Japan adopts constitution based on European models; socialists meet in Paris and establish Second International
1891Construction of Trans-Siberian Railroad begins