Important Events

1913–1925Suffrage for women expands in much of Europe
1914August: World War I begins
1916Irish nationalists stage Easter Uprising against British rule
1917March: Revolution in Russia overturns tsarist autocracy
April: United States enters World War I
November: Bolshevik Revolution in Russia
1918November: Armistice ends fighting of World War I; revolutionary turmoil throughout Germany; kaiser abdicates
1918–1922Civil war in Russia
1919Weimar Republic is established
1919–1920Paris Peace Conference redraws map of Europe
1922Ireland gains independence; Fascists march on Rome; Mussolini becomes prime minister; Joyce, Ulysses; Hitler builds Nazi Party
1924Lenin dies; Stalin and Trotsky contend for power
1924–1929Period of general economic prosperity and stability
1929October: Stock market crash in United States