Important Events

1963Betty Friedan publishes The Feminine Mystique
1966Willy Brandt becomes West German foreign minister and develops Ostpolitik
1967First successful human heart transplant
1968Revolution in Czechoslovakia; student uprisings throughout Europe and the United States
1969U.S. astronauts walk on the moon's surface
1972SALT I between the United States and Soviet Union
1973End of Vietnam War; OPEC raises price of oil and imposes oil embargo on the West
1973–1976Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn publishes The Gulag Archipelago
1978The first test-tube baby is born in England
1978–1979Islamic revolution in Iran; hostages are taken at U.S. embassy in Teheran
1980Solidarity organizes resistance to Polish communism; British prime minister Margaret Thatcher begins dismantling the welfare state
1981Ronald Reagan becomes U.S. president
1985Mikhail Gorbachev becomes Soviet premier
1986Explosion at Chernobyl nuclear plant; Spain joins the Common Market
1989Chinese students revolt in Tiananmen Square; Communist governments are ousted in eastern Europe; Berlin Wall is demolished