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Important EventsThe Egyptian collection of spells and instructions for the dead—known today as the Book of the Dead—instructed the dead person how to make a declaration of innocence to the gods judging the person’s fate on the day of judgment. The declaration listed evils that the person denied having committed; presumably the divine judges could tell whether the deceased was speaking truthfully. This selection of denials, each directed to a specific deity, reveals what Egyptians regarded as just and proper behavior.
Wide-of-Stride who comes from On: I have not done evil.
Flame-grasper who comes from Kheraha: I have not robbed.
Long-nosed who comes from Khmun: I have not coveted.
Shadow-eater who comes from the cave: I have not stolen.
Savage-faced who comes from Rostau: I have not killed people.
Lion-Twins who come from heaven: I have not trimmed the measure.
Flint-eyed who comes from Kehm: I have not cheated.
Fiery-one who comes backward: I have not stolen a god’s property.
Bone-smasher who comes from Hnes: I have not told lies.
Flame-thrower who comes from Memphis: I have not seized food.
Cave-dweller who comes from the west: I have not sulked.
White-toothed who comes from Lakeland: I have not trespassed.
Blood-eater who comes from slaughterplace: I have not slain sacred cattle.
Entrail-eater who comes from the tribunal: I have not extorted.
Lord of Maat who comes from Maaty: I have not extorted.
Wanderer who comes from Bubastis: I have not spied.
Pale-one who comes from On: I have not prattled.
Villain who comes from Anjdty: I have contended only for my goods.
Fiend who comes from slaughterhouse: I have not committed adultery.
Examiner who comes from Min’s temple: I have not defiled myself.
Chief of the nobles who comes from Imu: I have not caused fear.
Wrecker who comes from Huy: I have not trespassed.
Disturber who comes from the sanctuary: I have not been violent.
Child who comes from On: I have not been deaf to Maat.
Foreteller who comes from Wensi: I have not quarreled.
Bastet who comes from the shrine: I have not winked.
Backward-face who comes from the pit: I have not copulated with a boy.
Flame-footed who comes from the dusk: I have not been false.
Dark-one who comes from darkness: I have not reviled.
Source: Translation from Miriam Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Literature (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978), vol. 2, 126–27.
Question to Consider
What do the “evils” enumerated here reveal about the values embraced by Egyptian society?