Mapping the West: Western Europe and the Eastern Roman (or Byzantine) Empire, c. 600

Mapping the West: Western Europe and the Eastern Roman (or Byzantine) Empire, c. 600

MAPPING THE WEST Western Europe and the Eastern Roman (or Byzantine) Empire, c. 600
The eastern Roman emperor Justinian employed brilliant generals and expended huge sums of money to reconquer Italy, North Africa, and part of Spain to reunite the western and eastern halves of the former Roman Empire. His wars to regain Italy and North Africa eliminated the Ostrogothic and Vandal kingdoms, respectively, but at a huge cost in effort, time—the war in Italy took twenty years—and expense. The resources of the eastern empire were so depleted that his successors could not maintain the reunification. By the early seventh century, the Visigoths had taken back all of Spain. Africa, despite serious revolts by indigenous Berber tribes, remained under imperial control until the Arab conquest of the seventh century. Within five years of Justinian’s death, however, the Lombards had set up a new kingdom controlling a large section of Italy. Never again would anyone in the ancient world attempt to reestablish a universal Roman Empire.

Analyzing the Map: In which direction did Justinian expand the Byzantine Empire?


Analyzing the Map: In which direction did Justinian expand the Byzantine Empire?
accept_blank_answers: true
points: 10

Analyzing the Map: In which direction did Justinian expand the Byzantine Empire?

Making Connections: What factors do you think might help explain why Justinian was not able to reconquer the territories occupied by the Frankish and the Visigothic kingdoms?


Making Connections: What factors do you think might help explain why Justinian was not able to reconquer the territories occupied by the Frankish and the Visigothic kingdoms?
accept_blank_answers: true
points: 10

Making Connections: What factors do you think might help explain why Justinian was not able to reconquer the territories occupied by the Frankish and the Visigothic kingdoms?