Making Connections

Chapter 9 Review: Making Connections

  1. How were the Byzantine, Islamic, and European economies similar? How did they differ? How did these economies interact?


    How were the Byzantine, Islamic, and European economies similar? How did they differ? How did these economies interact?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    How were the Byzantine, Islamic, and European economies similar? How did they differ? How did these economies interact?
  2. How did the powers and ambitions of castellans compare with those of the dynatoi of Byzantium and of Muslim provincial rulers?


    How did the powers and ambitions of castellans compare with those of the dynatoi of Byzantium and of Muslim provincial rulers?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    How did the powers and ambitions of castellans compare with those of the dynatoi of Byzantium and of Muslim provincial rulers?
  3. Compare the effects of the barbarian invasions into the Roman Empire with the effects of the Viking, Muslim, and Magyar invasions into Carolingian Europe.


    Compare the effects of the barbarian invasions into the Roman Empire with the effects of the Viking, Muslim, and Magyar invasions into Carolingian Europe.
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    Compare the effects of the barbarian invasions into the Roman Empire with the effects of the Viking, Muslim, and Magyar invasions into Carolingian Europe.