Making Connections

Chapter 11 Review: Making Connections

  1. What were the chief differences that separated the ideals of the religious life in the period 1150–1215 from those of the period 1050–1150?


    What were the chief differences that separated the ideals of the religious life in the period 1150–1215 from those of the period 1050–1150?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    What were the chief differences that separated the ideals of the religious life in the period 1150–1215 from those of the period 1050–1150?
  2. How was the gift economy associated with Romanesque architecture and the money economy with the Gothic style?


    How was the gift economy associated with Romanesque architecture and the money economy with the Gothic style?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    How was the gift economy associated with Romanesque architecture and the money economy with the Gothic style?
  3. How do political developments—the growth of bureaucratic institutions, the development of strong monarchies, the growth of city governments—help explain the rise and popularity of vernacular literature and song in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries?


    How do political developments—the growth of bureaucratic institutions, the development of strong monarchies, the growth of city governments—help explain the rise and popularity of vernacular literature and song in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    How do political developments—the growth of bureaucratic institutions, the development of strong monarchies, the growth of city governments—help explain the rise and popularity of vernacular literature and song in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries?