Important Events

Chapter 17 Review: Important Events

1700s Beginning of rapid development of plantations in Caribbean
1703 Peter the Great begins construction of St. Petersburg, founds first Russian newspaper
1713–1714 Peace of Utrecht treaties end War of Spanish Succession
1714 Elector of Hanover becomes King George I of England
1715 Death of Louis XIV
1719 Daniel Defoe publishes Robinson Crusoe
1720 Last outbreak of bubonic plague in western Europe
1721 Great Northern War ends; Montesquieu publishes Persian Letters anonymously in the Dutch Republic
1733 War of the Polish Succession; Voltaire’s Letters Concerning the English Nation attacks French intolerance and narrow-mindedness
1740–1748 War of the Austrian Succession
1741 George Frideric Handel composes Messiah
1748 Montesquieu publishes The Spirit of Laws

Consider three events: Beginning of rapid development of plantations in Caribbean (1700s), Daniel Defoe publishes Robinson Crusoe (1719), and Montesquieu publishes Persian Letters anonymously in the Dutch Republic (1721). In what ways were the two works of literature responses to the new global economy?


Consider three events: Beginning of rapid development of plantations in Caribbean (1700s), Daniel Defoe publishes Robinson Crusoe (1719), and Montesquieu publishes Persian Letters anonymously in the Dutch Republic (1721). In what ways were the two works of literature responses to the new global economy?
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points: 10

Consider three events: Beginning of rapid development of plantations in Caribbean (1700s), Daniel Defoe publishes Robinson Crusoe (1719), and Montesquieu publishes Persian Letters anonymously in the Dutch Republic (1721). In what ways were the two works of literature responses to the new global economy?