Mapping the West: Europe in 1799

Mapping the West: Europe in 1799

MAPPING THE WEST Europe in 1799
France’s expansion during the revolutionary wars threatened to upset the balance of power in Europe. A century earlier, the English and Dutch had allied and formed a Europe-wide coalition to check the territorial ambitions of Louis XIV. Thwarting French ambitions after 1799 would prove to be even more of a challenge to the other European powers. The Dutch had been reduced to satellite status, as had most of the Italian states. Even Austria and Prussia would suffer devastating losses to the French on the battlefield. Only a new coalition of European powers could stop France in the future.

Analyzing the Map: Which neighbors of France would be most threatened by the French effort to create satellite states (states that lost their autonomy to the French)?


Analyzing the Map: Which neighbors of France would be most threatened by the French effort to create satellite states (states that lost their autonomy to the French)?
accept_blank_answers: true
points: 10

Analyzing the Map: Which neighbors of France would be most threatened by the French effort to create satellite states (states that lost their autonomy to the French)?

Making Connections: Why had the French armies been so successful after their shaky start in 1792–1793?


Making Connections: Why had the French armies been so successful after their shaky start in 1792–1793?
accept_blank_answers: true
points: 10

Making Connections: Why had the French armies been so successful after their shaky start in 1792–1793?