Review Questions

Chapter 19 Review: Review Questions

  1. How did the beginning of the French Revolution resemble the other revolutions of 1787–1789?


    How did the beginning of the French Revolution resemble the other revolutions of 1787–1789?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    How did the beginning of the French Revolution resemble the other revolutions of 1787–1789?
  2. Why did the French Revolution turn in an increasingly radical direction after 1789?


    Why did the French Revolution turn in an increasingly radical direction after 1789?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    Why did the French Revolution turn in an increasingly radical direction after 1789?
  3. What factors can explain the Terror? To what extent was it simply a response to a national emergency or a reflection of deeper problems within the French Revolution?


    What factors can explain the Terror? To what extent was it simply a response to a national emergency or a reflection of deeper problems within the French Revolution?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    What factors can explain the Terror? To what extent was it simply a response to a national emergency or a reflection of deeper problems within the French Revolution?
  4. Why did some groups outside of France embrace the French Revolution while others resisted it?


    Why did some groups outside of France embrace the French Revolution while others resisted it?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    Why did some groups outside of France embrace the French Revolution while others resisted it?