Making Connections

Chapter 24 Review: Making Connections

  1. How did changes in society at the turn of the twentieth century affect the development of mass politics?


    How did changes in society at the turn of the twentieth century affect the development of mass politics?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    How did changes in society at the turn of the twentieth century affect the development of mass politics?
  2. How was culture connected to the world of politics in the years 1890–1914?


    How was culture connected to the world of politics in the years 1890–1914?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    How was culture connected to the world of politics in the years 1890–1914?
  3. How had nationalism changed since the French Revolution?


    How had nationalism changed since the French Revolution?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    How had nationalism changed since the French Revolution?
  4. In what ways were imperial wars from the 1890s to 1914 relevant to the outbreak of World War I?


    In what ways were imperial wars from the 1890s to 1914 relevant to the outbreak of World War I?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    In what ways were imperial wars from the 1890s to 1914 relevant to the outbreak of World War I?