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Important EventsChapter 26 Review: Suggested References
This grim period in human history has yielded an ever-growing crop of excellent books, some of them coldly examining the worst aspects of the Great Depression and World War II and others looking at resistance, survival, and intellectual breakthroughs.
Alvarez, Luis. The Power of the Zoot: Youth Culture and Resistance during World War II. 2008.
Clavin, Patricia. The Great Depression in Europe, 1929–1939. 2000.
Collingham, Lizzie. The Taste of War: World War II and the Battle for Food. 2011.
Confino, Alon. A World without Jews: The Nazi Imagination from Persecution to Genocide. 2014.
Hellbeck, Jochen. Revolution on My Mind: Writing a Diary under Stalin. 2006.
Hoffman, David L. Cultivating the Masses: Modern State Practices and State Socialism. 2012.
Imlay, Talbot C. Facing the Second World War: Strategy, Politics, and Economics in Britain and France 1938–1940. 2003.
Maas, Ad, and Hans Hooijijers, eds. Scientific Research in World War II: What Scientists Did in the War. 2009.
Miner, Steven Merritt. Stalin’s Holy War: Religion, Nationalism, and Alliance Politics, 1941–1945. 2003.
Naimark, Norman M. Stalin’s Genocides. 2010.
Roberts, Mary Louise. D-Day through French Eyes: Normandy 1944. 2014.
Seidman, Michael. The Victorious Counterrevolution: The Nationalist Effort in the Spanish Civil War. 2011.
Snyder, Timothy. Bloodlands: Europe between Hitler and Stalin. 2010.
Stangneth, Bettina. Eichman before Jerusalem: The Unexamined Life of a Mass Murderer. 2014.
Stoltzfus, Nathan, et al., eds. Courageous Resistance: The Power of Ordinary People. 2007.
Tierney, Robert T. Tropics of Savagery: The Culture of Japanese Empire in Comparative Frame. 2010.
Viola, Lynn, ed. Contending with Stalinism: Soviet Power and Popular Resistance in the 1930s. 2003.
Weinberg, Gerhard. A World at Arms: A Global History of World War II. 2005.