Military Conflicts of the Greek Golden Age
1. 500—323 B.C.E.
-------- Battle of Marathon Peloponnesian War Wars between Persia and Greece Classical Age of Greece Xerxes’ invasion of Greece Battle of Salamis Enormous Athenian military expedition against Sicily Peace treaty between Athens and Sparta; intended to last thirty years
2. 499—479 B.C.E.
-------- Battle of Marathon Peloponnesian War Wars between Persia and Greece Classical Age of Greece Xerxes’ invasion of Greece Battle of Salamis Enormous Athenian military expedition against Sicily Peace treaty between Athens and Sparta; intended to last thirty years
3. 490 B.C.E.
-------- Battle of Marathon Peloponnesian War Wars between Persia and Greece Classical Age of Greece Xerxes’ invasion of Greece Battle of Salamis Enormous Athenian military expedition against Sicily Peace treaty between Athens and Sparta; intended to last thirty years
4. 480—479 B.C.E.
-------- Battle of Marathon Peloponnesian War Wars between Persia and Greece Classical Age of Greece Xerxes’ invasion of Greece Battle of Salamis Enormous Athenian military expedition against Sicily Peace treaty between Athens and Sparta; intended to last thirty years
5. 480 B.C.E.
-------- Battle of Marathon Peloponnesian War Wars between Persia and Greece Classical Age of Greece Xerxes’ invasion of Greece Battle of Salamis Enormous Athenian military expedition against Sicily Peace treaty between Athens and Sparta; intended to last thirty years
6. 446—445 B.C.E.
-------- Battle of Marathon Peloponnesian War Wars between Persia and Greece Classical Age of Greece Xerxes’ invasion of Greece Battle of Salamis Enormous Athenian military expedition against Sicily Peace treaty between Athens and Sparta; intended to last thirty years
7. 431—404 B.C.E.
-------- Battle of Marathon Peloponnesian War Wars between Persia and Greece Classical Age of Greece Xerxes’ invasion of Greece Battle of Salamis Enormous Athenian military expedition against Sicily Peace treaty between Athens and Sparta; intended to last thirty years
8. 415—403 B.C.E.
-------- Battle of Marathon Peloponnesian War Wars between Persia and Greece Classical Age of Greece Xerxes’ invasion of Greece Battle of Salamis Enormous Athenian military expedition against Sicily Peace treaty between Athens and Sparta; intended to last thirty years