After completing this chapter, you will be able to
Discover a set of genes affecting a specific biological property of interest, by observing single-
In the progeny of controlled crosses, recognize phenotypic ratios diagnostic of single-
Explain single-
Predict phenotypic ratios among descendants from crosses of parents differing at a single gene.
Propose reasonable hypotheses to explain dominance and recessiveness of specific alleles at the molecular level.
Apply the rules of single-
Calculate risk of descendants inheriting a condition caused by a mutant allele in one or more specific ancestors.
2.1 Single-gene inheritance patterns
2.2 The chromosomal basis of single-gene inheritance patterns
2.3 The molecular basis of Mendelian inheritance patterns
2.4 Some genes discovered by observing segregation ratios
2.5 Sex-linked single-gene inheritance patterns
2.6 Human pedigree analysis
What kinds of research do biologists do? One central area of research in the biology of all organisms is the attempt to understand how an organism develops from a fertilized egg into an adult—
There are several different types of analytical approaches to gene discovery, but one widely used method relies on the detection of single-
All of genetics, in one aspect or another, is based on heritable variants. The basic approach of genetics is to compare and contrast the properties of variants, and from these comparisons make deductions about genetic function. It is similar to the way in which you could make inferences about how an unfamiliar machine works by changing the composition or positions of the working parts, or even by removing parts one at a time. Each variant represents a “tweak” of the biological machine, from which its function can be deduced.
In genetics, the most common form of any property of an organism is called the wild type, that which is found “in the wild,” or in nature. The heritable variants observed in an organism that differs from the wild type are mutants, individual organisms having some abnormal form of a property. As examples, the wild type and some mutants in two model organisms are shown in Figure 2-1. The alternative forms of the property are called phenotypes. In this analysis we distinguish a wild-
Compared to wild type, mutants are rare. We know that they arise from wild types by a process called mutation, which results in a heritable change in the DNA of a gene. The changed form of the gene is also called a mutation. Mutations are not always detrimental to an organism; sometimes they can be advantageous, but most often they have no observable effect. A great deal is known about the mechanisms of mutation (see Chapter 16), but generally it can be said that they arise from mistakes in cellular processing of DNA.
Most natural populations also show polymorphisms, defined as the coexistence of two or more reasonably common phenotypes of a biological property, such as the occurrence of both red-
Simply stated, the general steps of functional analysis by gene discovery are as follows:
Amass mutants affecting the biological property of interest.
Cross (mate) the mutants to wild type to see if their descendants show ratios of wild to mutant that are characteristic of single-
Deduce the functions of the gene at the molecular level.
Deduce how the gene interacts with other genes to produce the property in question.
Of these steps, only 1 and 2 will be covered in the present chapter.
Gene discovery starts with a “hunt” to amass mutants in which the biological function under investigation is altered or destroyed. Even though mutants are individually rare, there are ways of enhancing their recovery. One widely used method is to treat the organism with radiation or chemicals that increase the mutation rate. After treatment, the most direct way to identify mutants is to visually screen a very large number of individuals, looking for a chance occurrence of mutants in that population. Also, various selection methods can be devised to enrich for the types sought.
Armed with a set of mutants affecting the property of interest, one hopes that each mutant represents a lesion in one of a set of genes that control the property. Hence, the hope is that a reasonably complete gene pathway or network is represented. However, not all mutants are caused by lesions within one gene (some have far more complex determination), so first each mutant has to be tested to see if indeed it is caused by a single-
The test for single-
After a set of key genes has been defined in this way, several different molecular methods can be used to establish the functions of each of the genes. These methods will be covered in later chapters. Hence, genetics has been used to define the set of gene functions that interact to produce the property we call flower color (in this example).
This type of approach to gene discovery is sometimes called forward genetics, a strategy to understanding biological function starting with random single-
Gene discovery is important not only in experimental organisms but also in applied studies. One crucial area is in agriculture, where gene discovery can be used to understand a desirable commercial property of an organism, such as its protein content. Human genetics is another important area: to know which gene functions are involved in a specific disease or condition is useful information in finding therapies.
The rules for single-