Preface |
xiii |
1 |
The Genetics Revolution |
1 |
1.1 |
The Birth of Genetics |
2 |
Gregor Mendel— |
3 |
Mendel rediscovered |
5 |
The central dogma of molecular biology |
9 |
1.2 |
After Cracking the Code |
10 |
Model organisms |
10 |
Tools for genetic analysis |
12 |
1.3 |
Genetics Today |
14 |
From classical genetics to medical genomics |
14 |
Investigating mutation and disease risk |
17 |
When rice gets its feet a little too wet |
20 |
Recent evolution in humans |
23 |
2 |
Single- |
31 |
2.1 |
Single- |
34 |
Mendel’s pioneering experiments |
34 |
Mendel’s law of equal segregation |
36 |
2.2 |
The Chromosomal Basis of Single- |
39 |
Single- |
40 |
Single- |
44 |
2.3 |
The Molecular Basis of Mendelian Inheritance Patterns |
45 |
Structural differences between alleles at the molecular level |
45 |
Molecular aspects of gene transmission |
46 |
Alleles at the molecular level |
48 |
2.4 |
Some Genes Discovered by Observing Segregation Ratios |
50 |
A gene active in the development of flower color |
51 |
A gene for wing development |
51 |
A gene for hyphal branching |
52 |
Predicting progeny proportions or parental genotypes by applying the principles of single- |
53 |
2.5 |
Sex- |
53 |
Sex chromosomes |
54 |
Sex- |
54 |
X- |
55 |
2.6 |
Human Pedigree Analysis |
58 |
Autosomal recessive disorders |
59 |
Autosomal dominant disorders |
61 |
Autosomal polymorphisms |
63 |
X- |
65 |
X- |
68 |
Y- |
68 |
Calculating risks in pedigree analysis |
69 |
3 |
Independent Assortment of Genes |
87 |
3.1 |
Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment |
89 |
3.2 |
Working with Independent Assortment |
93 |
Predicting progeny ratios |
93 |
Using the chi- |
96 |
Synthesizing pure lines |
98 |
Hybrid vigor |
99 |
3.3 |
The Chromosomal Basis of Independent Assortment |
101 |
Independent assortment in diploid organisms |
101 |
Independent assortment in haploid organisms |
103 |
Independent assortment of combinations of autosomal and X- |
104 |
Recombination |
104 |
3.4 |
Polygenic Inheritance |
108 |
3.5 |
Organelle Genes: Inheritance Independent of the Nucleus |
110 |
Patterns of inheritance in organelles |
111 |
Cytoplasmic segregation |
113 |
Cytoplasmic mutations in humans |
115 |
mtDNA in evolutionary studies |
116 |
4 |
Mapping Eukaryote Chromosomes by Recombination |
127 |
4.1 |
Diagnostics of Linkage |
129 |
Using recombinant frequency to recognize linkage |
129 |
How crossovers produce recombinants for linked genes |
132 |
Linkage symbolism and terminology |
132 |
Evidence that crossing over is a breakage- |
133 |
Evidence that crossing over takes place at the four- |
133 |
Multiple crossovers can include more than two chromatids |
134 |
4.2 |
Mapping by Recombinant Frequency |
135 |
Map units |
136 |
Three- |
139 |
Deducing gene order by inspection |
141 |
Interference |
141 |
Using ratios as diagnostics |
142 |
4.3 |
Mapping with Molecular Markers |
144 |
Single nucleotide polymorphisms |
144 |
Simple sequence length polymorphisms |
145 |
Detecting simple sequence length polymorphisms |
146 |
Recombination analysis using molecular markers |
146 |
4.4 |
Centromere Mapping with Linear Tetrads |
148 |
4.5 |
Using the Chi- |
150 |
4.6 |
Accounting for Unseen Multiple Crossovers |
151 |
A mapping function |
151 |
The Perkins formula |
152 |
4.7 |
Using Recombination- |
154 |
4.8 |
The Molecular Mechanism of Crossing Over |
155 |
5 |
The Genetics of Bacteria and Their Viruses |
173 |
5.1 |
Working with Microorganisms |
176 |
5.2 |
Bacterial Conjugation |
177 |
Discovery of conjugation |
177 |
Discovery of the fertility factor (F) |
178 |
Hfr strains |
179 |
Mapping of bacterial chromosomes |
184 |
F plasmids that carry genomic fragments |
188 |
R plasmids |
188 |
5.3 |
Bacterial Transformation |
191 |
The nature of transformation |
191 |
Chromosome mapping using transformation |
191 |
5.4 |
Bacteriophage Genetics |
192 |
Infection of bacteria by phages |
192 |
Mapping phage chromosomes by using phage crosses |
194 |
5.5 |
Transduction |
196 |
Discovery of transduction |
196 |
Generalized transduction |
197 |
Specialized transduction |
198 |
Mechanism of specialized transduction |
200 |
5.6 |
Physical Maps and Linkage Maps Compared |
201 |
6 |
Gene Interaction |
215 |
6.1 |
Interactions Between the Alleles of a Single Gene: Variations on Dominance |
216 |
Complete dominance and recessiveness |
216 |
Incomplete dominance |
218 |
Codominance |
219 |
Recessive lethal alleles |
220 |
6.2 |
Interaction of Genes in Pathways |
223 |
Biosynthetic pathways in Neurospora |
224 |
Gene interaction in other types of pathways |
226 |
6.3 |
Inferring Gene Interactions |
227 |
Sorting mutants using the complementation test |
227 |
Analyzing double mutants of random mutations |
231 |
6.4 |
Penetrance and Expressivity |
239 |
7 |
Structure and Replication |
259 |
7.1 |
DNA: The Genetic Material |
260 |
Discovery of transformation |
261 |
Hershey– |
263 |
7.2 |
DNA Structure |
264 |
DNA structure before Watson and Crick |
264 |
The double helix |
267 |
7.3 |
Semiconservative Replication |
270 |
Meselson– |
271 |
The replication fork |
272 |
DNA polymerases |
273 |
7.4 |
Overview of DNA Replication |
274 |
7.5 |
The Replisome: A Remarkable Replication Machine |
277 |
Unwinding the double helix |
279 |
Assembling the replisome: replication initiation |
280 |
7.6 |
Replication in Eukaryotic Organisms |
280 |
Eukaryotic origins of replication |
280 |
DNA replication and the yeast cell cycle |
281 |
Replication origins in higher eukaryotes |
282 |
7.7 |
Telomeres and Telomerase: Replication Termination |
283 |
8 |
RNA: Transcription and Processing |
291 |
8.1 |
293 |
Early experiments suggest an RNA intermediate |
293 |
Properties of RNA |
294 |
Classes of RNA |
294 |
8.2 |
Transcription |
296 |
Overview: DNA as transcription template |
296 |
Stages of transcription |
298 |
8.3 |
Transcription in Eukaryotes |
301 |
Transcription initiation in eukaryotes |
303 |
Elongation, termination, and pre- |
304 |
8.4 |
Intron Removal and Exon Splicing |
307 |
Small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs): the mechanism of exon splicing |
307 |
Self- |
308 |
8.5 |
Small Functional RNAs That Regulate and Protect the Eukaryotic Genome |
310 |
miRNAs are important regulators of gene expression |
310 |
siRNAs ensure genome stability |
311 |
Similar mechanisms generate siRNA and miRNA |
314 |
9 |
Proteins and Their Synthesis |
319 |
9.1 |
Protein Structure |
322 |
9.2 |
The Genetic Code |
324 |
Overlapping versus nonoverlapping codes |
325 |
Number of letters in the codon |
325 |
Use of suppressors to demonstrate a triplet code |
325 |
Degeneracy of the genetic code |
327 |
Cracking the code |
328 |
Stop codons |
329 |
9.3 |
tRNA: The Adapter |
329 |
Codon translation by tRNA |
331 |
Degeneracy revisited |
331 |
9.4 |
Ribosomes |
332 |
Ribosome features |
333 |
Translation initiation, elongation, and termination |
335 |
Nonsense suppressor mutations |
338 |
9.5 |
The Proteome |
339 |
Alternative splicing generates protein isoforms |
339 |
Posttranslational events |
340 |
10 |
Gene Isolation and Manipulation |
351 |
10.1 |
Overview: Isolating and Amplifying Specific DNA Fragments |
353 |
10.2 |
Generating Recombinant DNA Molecules |
354 |
Genomic DNA can be cut up before cloning |
355 |
The polymerase chain reaction amplifies selected regions of DNA in vitro |
356 |
DNA copies of mRNA can be synthesized |
358 |
Attaching donor and vector DNA |
358 |
Amplification of donor DNA inside a bacterial cell |
362 |
Making genomic and cDNA libraries |
366 |
10.3 |
Using Molecular Probes to Find and Analyze a Specific Clone of Interest |
367 |
Finding specific clones by using probes |
367 |
Finding specific clones by functional complementation |
369 |
Southern- |
371 |
10.4 |
Determining the Base Sequence of a DNA Segment |
374 |
10.5 |
Aligning Genetic and Physical Maps to Isolate Specific Genes |
377 |
Using positional cloning to identify a human- |
378 |
Using fine mapping to identify genes |
379 |
10.6 |
Genetic Engineering |
382 |
Genetic engineering in Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
383 |
Genetic engineering in plants |
383 |
Genetic engineering in animals |
386 |
11 |
Regulation of Gene Expression in Bacteria and Their Viruses |
397 |
11.1 |
Gene Regulation |
399 |
The basics of prokaryotic transcriptional regulation: genetic switches |
400 |
A first look at the lac regulatory circuit |
401 |
11.2 |
Discovery of the lac System: Negative Control |
404 |
Genes controlled together |
405 |
Genetic evidence for the operator and repressor |
405 |
Genetic evidence for allostery |
407 |
Genetic analysis of the lac promoter |
408 |
Molecular characterization of the Lac repressor and the lac operator |
408 |
Genetic analysis of the lac promoter |
408 |
Molecular characterization of the Lac repressor and the lac operator |
408 |
11.3 |
Catabolite Repression of the lac Operon: Positive Control |
409 |
The basics of lac catabolite repression: choosing the best sugar to metabolize |
410 |
The structures of target DNA sites |
410 |
A summary of the lac operon |
411 |
11.4 |
Dual Positive and Negative Control: The Arabinose Operon |
413 |
11.5 |
Metabolic Pathways and Additional Levels of Regulation: Attenuation |
414 |
11.6 |
Bacteriophage Life Cycles: More Regulators, Complex Operons |
417 |
Molecular anatomy of the genetic switch |
421 |
Sequence- |
422 |
11.7 |
Alternative Sigma Factors Regulate Large Sets of Genes |
423 |
12 |
Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes |
431 |
12.1 |
Transcriptional Regulation in Eukaryotes: An Overview |
432 |
12.2 |
Lessons from Yeast: The GAL System |
436 |
Gal4 regulates multiple genes through upstream activation sequences |
436 |
The Gal4 protein has separable DNA- |
438 |
Gal4 activity is physiologically regulated |
439 |
Gal4 functions in most eukaryotes |
439 |
Activators recruit the transcriptional machinery |
440 |
The control of yeast mating type: combinatorial interactions |
440 |
12.3 |
Dynamic Chromatin |
443 |
Chromatin- |
444 |
Modification of histones |
445 |
Histone methylation can activate or repress gene expression |
448 |
The inheritance of histone modifications and chromatin structure |
448 |
Histone variants |
449 |
DNA methylation: another heritable mark that influences chromatin structure |
449 |
12.4 |
Activation of Genes in a Chromatin Environment |
450 |
The β-interferon enhanceosome |
451 |
Enhancer- |
452 |
12.5 |
Long- |
454 |
Mating- |
454 |
Heterochromatin and euchromatin compared |
455 |
Position- |
456 |
Genetic analysis of PEV reveals proteins necessary for heterochromatin formation |
457 |
12.6 |
Gender- |
460 |
Genomic imprinting explains some unusual patterns of inheritance |
460 |
But what about Dolly and other cloned mammals? |
461 |
Silencing an entire chromosome: X- |
462 |
12.7 |
Post- |
463 |
13 |
The Genetic Control of Development |
469 |
13.1 |
The Genetic Approach to Development |
471 |
13.2 |
The Genetic Toolkit for Drosophila Development |
474 |
Classification of genes by developmental function |
474 |
Homeotic genes and segmental identity |
474 |
Organization and expression of Hox genes |
476 |
The homeobox |
478 |
Clusters of Hox genes control development in most animals |
479 |
13.3 |
Defining the Entire Toolkit |
482 |
The anteroposterior and dorsoventral axes |
483 |
Expression of toolkit genes |
484 |
13.4 |
Spatial Regulation of Gene Expression in Development |
487 |
Maternal gradients and gene activation |
488 |
Drawing stripes: integration of gap- |
489 |
Making segments different: integration of Hox inputs |
491 |
13.5 |
Post- |
494 |
RNA splicing and sex determination in Drosophila |
494 |
Regulation of mRNA translation and cell lineage in C. elegans |
496 |
Translational control in the early embryo |
496 |
miRNA control of developmental timing in C. elegans and other species |
499 |
13.6 |
From Flies to Fingers, Feathers, and Floor Plates: The Many Roles of Individual Toolkit Genes |
500 |
13.7 |
Development and Disease |
501 |
Polydactyly |
501 |
Holoprosencephaly |
502 |
Cancer as a developmental disease |
502 |
14 |
Genomes and Genomics |
507 |
14.1 |
The Genomics Revolution |
510 |
14.2 |
Obtaining the Sequence of a Genome |
511 |
Turning sequence reads into an assembled sequence |
511 |
Whole- |
513 |
Traditional WGS |
513 |
Next- |
514 |
Whole- |
517 |
14.3 |
Bioinformatics: Meaning from Genomic Sequence |
519 |
The nature of the information content of DNA |
519 |
Deducing the protein- |
520 |
14.4 |
The Structure of the Human Genome |
524 |
Noncoding functional elements in the genome |
525 |
14.5 |
The Comparative Genomics of Humans with Other Species |
527 |
Phylogenetic inference |
527 |
Of mice and humans |
530 |
Comparative genomics of chimpanzees and humans |
532 |
14.6 |
Comparative Genomics and Human Medicine |
532 |
The exome and personalized genomics |
533 |
Comparative genomics of nonpathogenic and pathogenic E. coli |
534 |
14.7 |
Functional Genomics and Reverse Genetics |
536 |
“’Omics” |
536 |
Reverse genetics |
539 |
15 |
The Dynamic Genome: Transposable Elements |
547 |
15.1 |
Discovery of Transposable Elements in Maize |
549 |
McClintock’s experiments: the Ds element |
549 |
Autonomous and nonautonomous elements |
550 |
Transposable elements: only in maize? |
552 |
15.2 |
Transposable Elements in Prokaryotes |
553 |
Bacterial insertion sequences |
553 |
Prokaryotic transposons |
554 |
Mechanism of transposition |
556 |
15.3 |
Transposable Elements in Eukaryotes |
558 |
Class 1: retrotransposons |
558 |
Class 2: DNA transposons |
562 |
Utility of DNA transposons for gene discovery |
564 |
15.4 |
The Dynamic Genome: More Transposable Elements Than Ever Imagined |
566 |
Large genomes are largely transposable elements |
567 |
Transposable elements in the human genome |
568 |
The grasses: LTR- |
569 |
Safe havens |
569 |
15.5 |
Regulation of Transposable Element Movement by the Host |
571 |
Genome surveillance in animals and bacteria |
573 |
16 |
Mutation, Repair, and Recombination |
581 |
16.1 |
The Phenotypic Consequences of DNA Mutations |
583 |
Types of point mutation |
583 |
The molecular consequences of point mutations in a coding region |
584 |
The molecular consequences of point mutations in a noncoding region |
586 |
16.2 |
The Molecular Basis of Spontaneous Mutations |
586 |
Luria and Delbrück fluctuation test |
586 |
Mechanisms of spontaneous mutations |
588 |
Spontaneous mutations in humans: trinucleotiderepeat diseases |
591 |
16.3 |
The Molecular Basis of Induced Mutations |
593 |
Mechanisms of mutagenesis |
593 |
The Ames test: evaluating mutagens in our environment |
595 |
16.4 |
Biological Repair Mechanisms |
596 |
Direct reversal of damaged DNA |
597 |
Base- |
598 |
Nucleotide- |
599 |
Postreplication repair: mismatch repair |
602 |
Error- |
604 |
Repair of double- |
606 |
The involvement of DSB repair in meiotic recombination |
608 |
16.5 |
Cancer: An Important Phenotypic Consequence of Mutation |
609 |
How cancer cells differ from normal cells |
609 |
Mutations in cancer cells |
609 |
17 |
Large- |
617 |
17.1 |
Changes in Chromosome Number |
618 |
Aberrant euploidy |
619 |
Aneuploidy |
627 |
The concept of gene balance |
632 |
17.2 |
Changes in Chromosome Structure |
634 |
Deletions |
637 |
Duplications |
640 |
Inversions |
642 |
Reciprocal translocations |
645 |
Robertsonian translocations |
647 |
Applications of inversions and translocations |
648 |
Rearrangements and cancer |
649 |
Identifying chromosome mutations by genomics |
650 |
17.3 |
Overall Incidence of Human Chromosome Mutations |
651 |
18 |
Population Genetics |
665 |
18.1 |
Detecting Genetic Variation |
666 |
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) |
667 |
Microsatellites |
668 |
Haplotypes |
669 |
Other sources and forms of variation |
670 |
The HapMap Project |
671 |
18.2 |
The Gene- |
672 |
18.3 |
Mating Systems |
677 |
Assortative mating |
677 |
Isolation by distance |
678 |
Inbreeding |
679 |
The inbreeding coefficient |
680 |
Population size and inbreeding |
682 |
18.4 |
Genetic Variation and Its Measurement |
684 |
18.5 |
The Modulation of Genetic Variation |
687 |
New alleles enter the population: mutation and migration |
687 |
Recombination and linkage disequilibrium |
689 |
Genetic drift and population size |
691 |
Selection |
696 |
Forms of selection |
698 |
Balance between mutation and drift |
702 |
Balance between mutation and selection |
703 |
18.6 |
Biological and Social Applications |
704 |
Conservation genetics |
704 |
Calculating disease risks |
705 |
DNA forensics |
706 |
Googling your DNA mates |
707 |
19 |
The Inheritance of Complex Traits |
715 |
19.1 |
Measuring Quantitative Variation |
717 |
Types of traits and inheritance |
717 |
The mean |
718 |
The variance |
719 |
The normal distribution |
721 |
19.2 |
A Simple Genetic Model for Quantitative Traits |
722 |
Genetic and environmental deviations |
722 |
Genetic and environmental variances |
724 |
Correlation between variables |
725 |
19.3 |
Broad- |
727 |
Measuring heritability in humans using twin studies |
728 |
19.4 |
Narrow- |
731 |
Gene action and the transmission of genetic variation |
732 |
The additive and dominance effects |
733 |
A model with additivity and dominance |
734 |
Narrow- |
736 |
Predicting offspring phenotypes |
739 |
Selection on complex traits |
740 |
19.5 |
Mapping QTL in Populations with Known Pedigrees |
742 |
The basic method |
743 |
From QTL to gene |
747 |
19.6 |
Association Mapping in Random- |
742 |
The basic method |
751 |
GWA, genes, disease, and heritability |
752 |
20 |
Evolution of Genes and Traits |
761 |
20.1 |
Evolution by Natural Selection |
764 |
20.2 |
Natural Selection in Action: An Exemplary Case |
766 |
The selective advantage of HbS |
768 |
The molecular origins of HbS |
770 |
20.3 |
Molecular Evolution: The Neutral Theory |
771 |
The development of the neutral theory |
771 |
The rate of neutral substitutions |
772 |
The signature of purifying selection on DNA |
772 |
20.4 |
Cumulative Selection and Multistep Paths to Functional Change |
774 |
Multistep pathways in evolution |
774 |
The signature of positive selection on DNA sequences |
778 |
20.5 |
Morphological Evolution |
779 |
Adaptive changes in a pigment- |
779 |
Gene inactivation |
781 |
Regulatory- |
782 |
Loss of characters through regulatory- |
783 |
Regulatory evolution in humans |
785 |
20.6 |
The Origin of New Genes and Protein Functions |
786 |
Expanding gene number |
787 |
The fate of duplicated genes |
788 |
A Brief Guide to Model Organisms |
793 |
Appendix A: Genetic Nomenclature |
809 |
Appendix B: Bioinformatics Resources for Genetics and Genomics |
810 |
Glossary |
813 |
Answers to Selected Problems |
833 |
Index |
845 |