Since its first edition in 1974, Introduction to Genetic Analysis has emphasized the power and incisiveness of the genetic approach in biological research and its applications. Over its many editions, the text has continuously expanded its coverage as the power of traditional genetic analysis has been extended with the introduction of recombinant DNA technology and then genomics. In the eleventh edition, we continue this tradition and show how the flowering of this powerful type of analysis has been used for insight into research in biology, agriculture, and human health.
One of the important new features in this edition is the inclusion of lists of learning outcomes at the beginning of each chapter. Learning outcomes are crucial components of understanding. One of the tenets of the constructivist theory of learning is that although understanding might be a series of new mental circuits, the learner can never be sure of what is in his or her brain until called upon for some type of performance. Indeed, understanding has even been defined by some as flexible performance capacity. The lists of goals show learners what precise performances are expected of them. The notes that follow show how the benefits of the learning outcomes in this book can be maximized for instructors who wish to use them.
Classroom sessions large and small (for example, lectures and tutorials) should be structured as far as possible on learning outcomes closely paralleling those in these chapters. At various stages in the classes students should be asked to demonstrate their understanding of the material just covered by attaining one or more learning outcomes. In writing examination or test questions, the instructor should try to stick closely to learning outcomes. When reviewing test results, show in what ways the outcomes have been attained or not attained by the learner.
Students should read the list of learning outcomes before embarking on a chapter. Although it will not be possible to understand most of them before reading the chapter, their wording gives a good idea of the lay of the land, and shows the extent of what the instructor’s expectations are. Ideally, after reading a section of the chapter, it is a good idea for a student to go back to the list and match the material covered to an outcome. This process should be repeated at the end of the chapter by scanning the sections and making a complete match with each outcome as far as possible. In solving the end-
The general goal of a course in genetics is to learn how to think and work like a geneticist. The learning outcomes can fractionate this general goal into the many different skills required in this analytical subject.
In this edition we have replaced “Messages” with “Key Concepts.” Messages have been in the book since its first edition in 1974. In the 1960s and 1970s, perhaps due to the popularity of Marshall McLuhan’s principle “The medium is the message,” the word message was in common use, and teachers were often asked, “What is your message?” Although with the rise of electronic media it is perhaps time for a resurgence of McLuhan’s principle, we felt that the word message no longer has the meaning it had in 1974.
One of our goals is to show how identifying genes and their interactions is a powerful tool for understanding biological properties. In the eleventh edition, we present a completely rewritten introductory Chapter 1, with a focus on modern applications of genetics. From there, the student follows the process of a traditional genetic dissection, starting with a step-
A reconceptualized Chapter 1 now piques student interest in genetics by presenting a selection of modern applications in biology, evolution, medicine, and agriculture. After a brief history of the study of genetics and a review of some fundamentals, the chapter describes four stories of how genetics is used today.
Classical genetic dissection is given a more gradual introduction in Chapters 2 and 4. Chapter 2 begins with a new introduction to forward genetics and the role of genetic analysis in identifying traits of single-
The modern application of genetics introduced in Chapter 1 continues in Chapter 14 by applying new genomic techniques such as RNA-
We have enhanced coverage of several cutting-
Chromatin remodeling and epigenetics: Previously spread among several chapters, the flourishing field of epigenetics is now consolidated and completely updated in Chapter 12. In section 12.3, “Dynamic Chromatin,” we discuss the three major mechanisms of altering chromatin structure: chromatin remodeling, histone modification, and histone variants. Changes throughout this section provide more detail and clarity, based on recent advances in the field.
Genome surveillance: Cutting-
The eleventh edition retains the enhanced coverage of model systems in formats that are practical and flexible for both students and instructors.
Chapter 1 introduces some key genetic model organisms and highlights some of the successes achieved through their use.
Model Organism boxes presented in context where appropriate provide additional information about the organism in nature and its use experimentally.
A Brief Guide to Model Organisms, at the back of the book, provides quick access to essential, practical information about the uses of specific model organisms in research studies.
An Index to Model Organisms, on the endpapers at the back of the book, provides chapter-
No matter how clear the exposition, deep understanding requires the student to personally engage with the material. Hence our efforts to encourage student problem solving. Building on its focus on genetic analysis, the eleventh edition provides students with opportunities to practice problem-
Versatile Problem Sets. Problems span the full range of degrees of difficulty. They are categorized according to level of difficulty—
Working with the Figures. An innovative set of problems included at the back of each chapter asks students pointed questions about figures in the chapter. These questions encourage students to think about the figures and help them to assess their understanding of key concepts.
Solved Problems. Found at the end of each chapter, these worked examples illustrate how geneticists apply principles to experimental data.
Unpacking the Problems. A genetics problem draws on a complex matrix of concepts and information. “Unpacking the Problem” helps students learn to approach problem solving strategically, one step at a time, concept on concept.
A feature called “What Geneticists Are Doing Today” suggests how genetic techniques are being used today to answer specific biological questions, such as “What is the link between telomere shortening and aging?” or “How can we find missing components in a specific biological pathway?”
The LaunchPad is a dynamic, fully integrated learning environment that brings together all the teaching and learning resources in one place. It features the fully interactive e-
This learning system also includes easy-
Hundreds of self-
Animations help students visualize genetics.
Unpacking the Problem tutorials from the text have been converted and expanded to help students learn to solve problems and think like a geneticist. These in-
NEW Problem-
Electronic teaching resources are available online at the LaunchPad, at http:/
Includes all the electronic resources listed below for teachers. Contact your W. H. Freeman sales representative to learn how to log on as an instructor.
The e-
Clicker Questions
Layered PowerPoint Presentations
Illuminate challenging topics for students by deconstructing intricate genetic concepts, sequences, and processes step-
All Images from the Text
More than 500 illustrations can be downloaded as JPEGs and PowerPoint slides. Use high-
67 Continuous-
A comprehensive set of animations, updated and expanded for the eleventh edition, covers everything from basic molecular genetic events and lab techniques to analyzing crosses and genetic pathways. The complete list of animations appears on page xix.
Assessment Bank
This resource brings together a wide selection of genetics problems for use in testing, homework assignments, or in-
Student Solutions Manual
(ISBN: 1-
The Student Solutions Manual contains complete worked-
Understanding Genetics: Strategies for Teachers and Learners in Universities and High Schools
(ISBN: 0-
Written by Anthony Griffiths and Jolie-
LaunchPad 6-
The LaunchPad contains the following resources for students:
Online Practice Tests: Students can test their understanding and receive immediate feedback by answering online questions that cover the core concepts in each chapter. Questions are page referenced to the text for easy review of the material.
Animations: A comprehensive set of animations, updated and expanded for the eleventh edition, covers everything from basic molecular genetic events and lab techniques to analyzing crosses and genetic pathways. The complete list of animations appears on the facing page.
Interactive “Unpacking the Problem”: An exercise from the problem set for many chapters is available online in interactive form. As with the text version, each Web-
NEW Problem-
Student Solutions Manual (ISBN: 1-
The Solutions Manual contains complete worked-
Other genomic and bioinformatic resources for students:
Text Appendix A, Genetic Nomenclature, lists model organisms and their nomenclature.
Text Appendix B, Bioinformatic Resources for Genetics and Genomics, builds on the theme of introducing students to the latest genetic research tools by providing students with some valuable starting points for exploring the rapidly expanding universe of online resources for genetics and genomics.
A Basic Plant Cross (Figure 1-
The Central Dogma (Figure 1-
Mitosis (Chapter Appendix 2-
Meiosis (Chapter Appendix 2-
Punnett Square and Branch Diagram Methods for Predicting the Outcomes of Crosses (Figure 3-
Meiotic Recombination Between Unlinked Genes by Independent Assortment (Figures 3-
Analyzing a Cross: A Solved Problem (Solved Problem 2)
Crossing Over Produces New Allelic Combinations (Figures 4-
Meiotic Recombination Between Linked Genes by Crossing Over (Figure 4-
A Molecular Model of Crossing Over (Figure 4-
A Mechanism of Crossing Over: A Heteroduplex Model (Figure 4-
A Mechanism of Crossing Over: Genetic Consequences of the Heteroduplex Model
Mapping a Three-
Bacterial Conjugation and Mapping by Recombination (Figures 5-
Interactions Between Alleles at the Molecular Level, RR: Wild-
Interactions Between Alleles at the Molecular Level, rr: Homozygous Recessive, Null Mutation
Interactions Between Alleles at the Molecular Level, r′r′: Homozygous Recessive, Leaky Mutation
Interactions Between Alleles at the Molecular Level, Rr: Heterozygous, Complete Dominance
Screening and Selecting for Mutations
A Model for Synthetic Lethality (Figure 6-
DNA Replication: The Nucleotide Polymerization Process (Figure 7-
DNA Replication: Coordination of Leading and Lagging Strand Synthesis (Figure 7-
DNA Replication: Replication of a Chromosome (Figure 7-
Transcription in Prokaryotes (Figures 8-
Transcription in Eukaryotes (Figures 8-
Mechanism of RNA Splicing (Figures 8-
tRNA Charging (Figure 9-
Translation (Figure 9-
Nonsense Suppression at the Molecular Level: The rodns Nonsense Mutation (Figure 9-
Nonsense Suppression at the Molecular Level: The tRNA Nonsense Suppressor (Figure 9-
Nonsense Suppression at the Molecular Level: Nonsense Suppression of the rodns Allele (Figure 9-
Polymerase Chain Reaction (Figure 10-
Plasmid Cloning (Figure 10-
Finding Specific Cloned Genes by Functional Complementation: Functional Complementation of the Gal− Yeast Strain and Recovery of the Wild-
Finding Specific Cloned Genes by Functional Complementation: Making a Library of Wild-
Finding Specific Cloned Genes by Functional Complementation: Using the Cloned GAL Gene as a Probe for GAL mRNA
SDS Gel Electrophoresis and Immunoblotting
Dideoxy Sequencing of DNA (Figure 10-
Creating a Transgenic Mouse (Figures 10-
Regulation of the Lactose System in E. coli: Assaying Lactose Presence/Absence Through the Lac Repressor (Figure 11-
Regulation of the Lactose System in E. coli: OC lac Operator Mutations (Figure 11-
Regulation of the Lactose System in E. coli: I− Lac Repressor Mutations (Figure 11-
Regulation of the Lactose System in E. coli: IS Lac Superrepressor Mutations (Figure 11-
Gal4 Binding and Activation (Figures 12-
Chromatin Remodeling (Figures 12-
Drosophila Embryonic Development
Sex Determination in Flies (Figure 13-
DNA Microarrays: Using an Oligonucleotide Array to Analyze Patterns of Gene Expression (Figure 14-
DNA Microarrays: Synthesizing an Oligonucleotide Array
Yeast Two-
Replicative Transposition (Figure 15-
Life Cycle of a Retrovirus (Figure 15-
The Ty1 Mechanism of Retrotransposition (Figures 15-
Replication Slippage Creates Insertion or Deletion Mutations (Figure 16-
Autotetraploid Meiosis (Figure 17-
Meiotic Nondisjunction at Meiosis I (Figure 17-
Meiotic Nondisjunction at Meiosis II (Figure 17-
Chromosome Rearrangements: Paracentric Inversion, Formation of Paracentric Inversions (Figure 17-
Chromosome Rearrangements: Paracentric Inversion, Meiotic Behavior of Paracentric Inversions (Figure 17-
Chromosome Rearrangements: Reciprocal Translocation, Formation of Reciprocal Translocations (Figure 17-
Chromosome Rearrangements: Reciprocal Translocation, Meiotic Behavior of Reciprocal Translocations (Figure 17-
Chromosome Rearrangements: Reciprocal Translocation, Pseudolinkage of Genes by Reciprocal Translocations (Figure 17-