Genetic Nomenclature
There is no universally accepted set of rules for naming genes, alleles, protein products, and associated phenotypes. At first, individual geneticists developed their own symbols for recording their work. Later, groups of people working on any given organism met and decided on a set of conventions that all would use. Because Drosophila was one of the first organisms to be used extensively by geneticists, most of the current systems are variants of the Drosophila system. However, there has been considerable divergence. Some scientists now advocate a standardization of this symbolism, but standardization has not been achieved. Indeed, the situation has been made more complex by the advent of DNA technology. Whereas most genes previously had been named for the phenotypes produced by mutations within them, the new technology has shown the precise nature of the products of many of these genes. Hence, it seems more appropriate to refer to them by their cellular function. However, the old names are still in the literature, so many genes have two parallel sets of nomenclature.
The following examples by no means cover all the organisms used in genetics, but most of the nomenclature systems follow one of these types.
Drosophila melanogaster (insect)
ry |
A gene that when mutated causes rosy eyes |
ry502 |
A specific recessive mutant allele producing rosy eyes in homozygotes |
ry+ |
The wild- |
ry |
The rosy mutant phenotype |
ry+ |
The wild- |
RY |
The protein product of the rosy gene |
Xanthine dehydrogenase, an alternative description of the protein product of the rosy gene; named for the enzyme that it encodes |
D |
Dichaete; a gene that when mutated causes a loss of certain bristles and wings to be held out laterally in heterozygotes and causes lethality in homozygotes |
D3 |
A specific mutant allele of the Dichaete gene |
D+ |
The wild- |
D |
The Dichaete mutant phenotype |
D+ |
The wild- |
D |
(Depending on context) the protein product of the Dichaete gene (a DNA- |
Neurospora crassa (fungus)
arg |
A gene that when mutated causes arginine requirement |
arg- |
One specific arg gene |
arg- |
An unspecified mutant allele of the arg gene |
arg- |
A specific mutant allele of the arg- |
arg- |
The wild- |
arg- |
The protein product of the arg- |
Arg+ |
A strain not requiring arginine |
Arg− |
A strain requiring arginine |
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (fungus)
A gene that when mutated causes arginine requirement |
ARG1 |
One specific ARG gene |
arg1 |
An unspecified mutant allele of the ARG gene |
arg1- |
A specific mutant allele of the ARG1 gene |
ARG1+ |
The wild- |
ARG1p |
The protein product of the ARG1+ gene |
Arg+ |
A strain not requiring arginine |
Arg− |
A strain requiring arginine |
Homo sapiens (mammal)
A gene that when mutated causes achondroplasia |
ACH1 |
A mutant allele (dominance not specified) |
Protein product of ACH gene; nature unknown |
Recent name for gene for achondroplasia |
FGFR31 or FGFR3*1 or FGFR3 <1> |
Mutant allele of FGFR3 (unspecified dominance) |
FGFR3 protein |
Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 |
Mus musculus (mammal)
Tyrc |
A gene for tyrosinase |
+Tyrc |
The wild- |
Tyrcch or Tyrc- |
A mutant allele causing chinchilla color |
Tyrc |
The protein product of this gene |
The wild- |
TYRCch |
The chinchilla phenotype |
Escherichia coli (bacterium)
lacZ |
A gene for utilizing lactose |
lacZ+ |
The wild- |
lacZ1 |
A mutant allele |
LacZ |
The protein product of that gene |
Lac+ |
A strain able to use lactose (phenotype) |
Lac− |
A strain unable to use lactose (phenotype) |
Arabidopsis thaliana (plant)
A gene that when mutant produces yellow- |
YGR1 |
A specific YGR gene |
YGR1 |
The wild- |
ygr1- |
A specific recessive mutant allele of YGR1 |
ygr1- |
A specific dominant (D) mutant allele of YGR1 |
YGR1 |
The protein product of YGR1 |
Ygr− |
Yellow- |
Ygr+ |
Wild- |