SOLVED PROBLEM 1. Transposable elements have been referred to as “jumping genes” because they appear to jump from one position to another, leaving the old locus and appearing at a new locus. In light of what we now know concerning the mechanism of transposition, how appropriate is the term “jumping genes” for bacterial transposable elements?
In bacteria, transposition takes place by two different modes. The conservative mode results in true jumping genes because, in this case, the transposable element excises from its original position and inserts at a new position. The other mode is the replicative mode. In this pathway, a transposable element moves to a new location by replicating into the target DNA, leaving behind a copy of the transposable element at the original site. When operating by the replicative mode, transposable elements are not really jumping genes because a copy does remain at the original site.
SOLVED PROBLEM 2. Following from the question above, in light of what we now know concerning the mechanism of transposition, how appropriate is the term “jumping genes” for the vast majority of transposable elements in the human genome and in the genomes of most other mammals?
The vast majority of transposable elements in the characterized mammalian genomes are retrotransposons. In humans, two retrotransposons (the LINE called L1 and the SINE called Alu) account for a whopping one-