Polyploidy is an abnormal condition in which there is a larger-than-normal number of chromosome sets. Polyploids such as triploids (3n) and tetraploids (4n) are common among plants and are represented even among animals. Organisms with an odd number of chromosome sets are sterile because not every chromosome has a partner at meiosis. Unpaired chromosomes attach randomly to the poles of the cell in meiosis, leading to unbalanced sets of chromosomes in the resulting gametes. Such unbalanced gametes do not yield viable progeny. In polyploids with an even number of sets, each chromosome has a potential pairing partner and hence can produce balanced gametes and progeny. Polyploidy can result in an organism of larger dimensions; this discovery has permitted important advances in horticulture and in crop breeding.

In plants, allopolyploids (polyploids formed by combining chromosome sets from different species) can be made by crossing two related species and then doubling the progeny chromosomes through the use of colchicine or through somatic cell fusion. These techniques have potential applications in crop breeding because allopolyploids combine the features of the two parental species.

When cellular accidents change parts of chromosome sets, aneuploids result. Aneuploidy itself usually results in an unbalanced genotype with an abnormal phenotype. Examples of aneuploids include monosomics (2n– 1) and trisomics (2n+ 1). Down syndrome (trisomy 21), Klinefelter syndrome (XXY), and Turner syndrome (XO) are well-documented examples of aneuploid conditions in humans. The spontaneous level of aneuploidy in humans is quite high and accounts for a large proportion of genetically based ill health in human populations. The phenotype of an aneuploid organism depends very much on the particular chromosome affected. In some cases, such as human trisomy 21, there is a highly characteristic constellation of associated phenotypes.

Most instances of aneuploidy result from accidental chromosome missegregation at meiosis (nondisjunction). The error is spontaneous and can occur in any particular meiocyte at the first or second division. In humans, a maternal-age effect is associated with nondisjunction of chromosome 21, resulting in a higher incidence of Down syndrome in the children of older mothers.

The other general category of chromosome mutations comprises structural rearrangements, which include deletions, duplications, inversions, and translocations. These changes result either from breakage and incorrect reunion or from crossing over between repetitive elements (nonallelic homologous recombination). Chromosomal rearrangements are an important cause of ill health in human populations and are useful in engineering special strains of organisms for experimental and applied genetics. In organisms with one normal chromosome set plus a rearranged set (heterozygous rearrangements), there are unusual pairing structures at meiosis resulting from the strong pairing affinity of homologous chromosome regions. For example, heterozygous inversions show loops, and reciprocal translocations show cross-shaped structures. Segregation of these structures results in abnormal meiotic products unique to the rearrangement.

A deletion is the loss of a section of chromosome, either because of chromosome breaks followed by loss of the intervening segment or because of segregation in heterozygous translocations or inversions. If the region removed in a deletion is essential to life, a homozygous deletion is lethal. Heterozygous deletions may be lethal because of chromosomal imbalance or because they uncover recessive deleterious alleles, or they may be nonlethal. When a deletion in one homolog allows the phenotypic expression of recessive alleles in the other, the unmasking of the recessive alleles is called pseudodominance.

Duplications are generally produced from other rearrangements or by aberrant crossing over. They also unbalance the genetic material, producing a deleterious phenotypic effect or death of the organism. However, duplications can be a source of new material for evolution because function can be maintained in one copy, leaving the other copy free to evolve new functions.

An inversion is a 180-degree turn of a part of a chromosome. In the homozygous state, inversions may cause little problem for an organism unless heterochromatin brings about a position effect or one of the breaks disrupts a gene. On the other hand, inversion heterozygotes show inversion loops at meiosis, and crossing over within the loop results in inviable products. The crossover products of pericentric inversions, which span the centromere, differ from those of paracentric inversions, which do not, but both show reduced recombinant frequency in the affected region and often result in reduced fertility.

A translocation moves a chromosome segment to another position in the genome. A simple example is a reciprocal translocation, in which parts of nonhomologous chromosomes exchange positions. In the heterozygous state, translocations produce duplication-and-deletion meiotic products, which can lead to unbalanced zygotes. New gene linkages can be produced by translocations. The random segregation of centromeres in a translocation heterozygote results in 50 percent unbalanced meiotic products and, hence, 50 percent sterility (semisterility).