The title of the infographic is, Thinking Critically About: The Stigma of Introversion
The Learning Objective Question reads, What are some common misunderstandings about introversion?
At the top of the first panel is the text, Western cultures are hard on introverts:
Under this the text reads, Superheroes tend to be extraverted. Black Panther unites five tribes of people with his engaging strength of character. Take-charge Elastigirl saves the day in The Incredibles. An illustration shows a female superhero with a cape and a star on her chest.
The text goes on to read, What do job interviewers want in their employees? Extraversion outranks most other personality traits. (Footnote 1: Kluemper et al., 2015; Salgado & Moscoso, 2002.)
In the upper right of this section is a pie chart with the color brown and the color orange. The color orange fills most of the pie chart. The text beside the pie chart has a line that points to the orange color and reads, Eighty-seven percent of Westerners want to be more extraverted. (Footnote 2: Hudson & Roberts, 2014.)
Under the pie chart is the text, Being introverted seems to imply that we don’t have the open quotes right stuff closed quotes. (Footnote 3: Cain, 2012.)
The text below on the right reads, Attractive, successful people are presumed to be extraverts. An illustration shows a smiling woman in a dark blazer, holding a file and showing a thumbs-up sign.
At the top of the next panel to the right the text reads, What is introversion?
The text below reads, Introverts tend to gain energy from time alone, and may find social interactions exhausting. Extraverts, by contrast, tend to draw energy from time spent with others. Introverts are not open quotes shy Closed quotes. (Shy people remain quiet because they fear others will evaluate them negatively.) Introverted people seek low levels of stimulation from their environment because they’re sensitive. For example, when given lemon juice, introverted people salivated more than extraverted people. (Footnote 4: Corcoran, 1964.) An illustration by this last sentence shows a wedge of lemon from which a drop is falling.
The next panel has text at the top reading, Introversion has many benefits: A bulleted list begins.
Bullet item 1 text reads, Introverted leaders outperform extraverted leaders in some contexts, such as when their employees voice new ideas and challenge existing norms. (Footnote 5: Grant et al., 2011.)
Bullet item 2 text reads, Introverts handle conflict well. In response, they seek solitude rather than revenge. (Footnote 6: Ren et al., 2016.)
Bullet item 3 text reads, Many introverts flourish, including Bill Gates, Mother Teresa, and Jeff Bezos. Faced with the decision to start Amazon, Bezos spent days alone thinking about it. Open quotes I went away, closed quotes he said. (Footnote 7: Mejia, 2017.) An illustration by this bullet item shows Jeff Bezos speaking at a podium that has the Amazon logo on it, with a cellphone in his hand.