Infographic 7.2: Problem Solving

The introduction reads as follows: Problem solving involves figuring out how to achieve a goal. Once you understand a problem, you can identify an approach to solving it. A successful approach will help you manage obstacles that come from the problem itself, such as a rigid deadline for an essay you’re struggling to write. But sometimes the way we think about a problem can itself be a barrier, preventing us from identifying available approaches.

The upper part of the infographic shows a flowchart with three steps:

  1. Understand the problem
  2. Choose an approach
  3. Evaluate
  1. The introduction reads, “IDENTIFY INITIAL STATE: What do you know about the problem situation? What is the goal state?” The graphic shows a person with thought balloons. The first is captioned “Problem” and reads, “I need to register for classes, but I don’t know what to take.” The second is captioned, “Obstacles” and reads, “My major has requirements. Not every class is offered this semester. Some classes have prerequisites.”
  2. The introduction reads,

    The graphic shows a person with a callout pointing to a checklist, captioned, “Employ algorithm to narrow down options.” The checklist items are as follows:

  3. The introduction reads, “PROBLEM SOLVED? If not, try again,” with an arrow leading back to step 1. The graphic shows a stick figure holding a serving tray with a thought balloon that reads, “No, I can’t take Biology. It’s only offered at 4:30pm, when I have to be at work.”

The lower frame is titled “Barriers to Problem Solving.” The introduction reads as follows: Being stuck in a certain way of thinking about a problem can limit what we see as available approaches. For example, our student registering for classes may assume that “classes” must be in-person meetings with an instructor on campus. This assumption prevents the student from investigating more flexible online classes, hybrid classes, or classes that could be transferred from another college. Sticking with our usual solution strategies is called a mental set. To see if you can overcome your mental set, try solving this problem: A graphic shows a matrix of three rows of three dots. The task reads, “Without lifting your pencil, can you connect all nine dots using only 4 straight lines and without crossing any dot more than once? (Solution on page 294.)” At the right is an image of a stick figure standing between two trees, holding a rope in her right hand, and reaching to another rope hanging from the other tree to her left. The rope is beyond her reach. A small garden shovel sits on the ground behind her. The caption reads, “Functional fixedness is another barrier in which we can only imagine using familiar objects in their usual way. Say you need to tie two ropes together, but you can’t reach them both at the same time. Will functional fixedness keep you from solving this problem? (Solution on page 294.)”