Essay Questions


1. Identify and explain the stages of Knapp’s coming together and coming apart.

[Model Answer] The stages of coming together depict the possible flow of relationship development. They include the following: initiating (sizing up a new person); experimenting (exchanging demographic information to look for points of commonality); intensifying (verbal and nonverbal communication becoming increasingly intimate); integrating (attitudes, activities, and interests bringing the couple together); and bonding (a public ritual that announces to the world that the couple is committed to one another). The stages of coming apart are marked by changes in thoughts, feelings, and communication. They include the following: differentiating (when beliefs, attitudes, and values that distinguish you from your partner are dominating your thoughts and communication); circumscribing (when the quantity and quality of information exchanged is becoming restricted); stagnating (communication coming to a standstill because no safe conversational topics remain); avoiding (physically distancing oneself from one’s partner); and terminating (ending the relationship). The answer can be found on pages 208 - 212.


2. Explain the importance and function of three relational maintenance strategies.

[Model Answer] Relational maintenance strategies are efforts to keep relationships in a desired state or condition. They include the following: positivity (communicating with your partner in a cheerful and optimistic fashion); assurances (regularly reaffirming commitment to each other); and self-disclosure (creating a climate of security and trust). The answer can be found on pages 213 - 215.