1. Which term describes a society that emphasizes personal connections to others, relationship health, and quality of life?
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D. |
E. |
2. Yao comes home past his curfew, and his father communicates disapproval with only a facial expression. Yao immediately realizes he has acted disrespectfully. In what type of culture does Yao most likely live?
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B. |
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D. |
E. |
3. Which if the following statements is NOT true of prejudice?
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B. |
C. |
D. |
E. |
4. Which term describes guidelines for when, where, and how to appropriately express emotion?
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B. |
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D. |
E. |
5. According to _____, the people who have more power within a given society determine the dominant culture of that society.
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B. |
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D. |
E. |
6. Billy, a native New Yorker whose family has lived in the U.S. since colonial times, makes fun of immigrants because he considers them ignorant and unsophisticated. What concept does Billy’s behavior demonstrate?
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B. |
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D. |
E. |
7. Luigi grew up in an Italian community where deadlines and schedules were considered unimportant, so he is _____-time oriented. Yet Luigi’s friend Roger, a Chicago native who is never late for anything, is _____-time oriented.
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B. |
C. |
D. |
E. |
8. Geert comes from a high-uncertainty-avoidance culture. What sort of work situation would Geert most likely find comfortable?
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B. |
C. |
D. |
E. |
9. As a new employee at a marketing firm, Zhiang believes it is improper for him to make suggestions during staff meetings. Zhiang most likely lives in what type of culture?
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B. |
C. |
D. |
E. |
10. Bobby, a native of Indiana, attends a college where many students are from China. He observes how his Chinese classmates behave in order to learn about their cultural norms. Which concept does Bobby’s interaction demonstrate?
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B. |
C. |
D. |
E. |
11. What is NOT one of the seven cultural characteristics that, according to scholars, shape our interpersonal communication?
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B. |
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D. |
E. |
12. What can you strengthen by applying the practices of world-mindedness, attributional complexity, and communication accommodation?
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B. |
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D. |
E. |
13. An established, coherent set of beliefs, attitudes, values, and practices shared by a large group of people is called a _____.
A. |
B. |
C. |
D. |
E. |
14. Astrid identifies as bisexual even though she lives in a predominantly heterosexual community. When Astrid and fellow LGBTQ individuals in the community establish a Web site to discuss their shared interests, what have they formed?
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B. |
C. |
D. |
E. |
15. Which paradigm stipulates that prejudice centers on two judgments made about others: how warm and friendly they are, and how competent they are?
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B. |
C. |
D. |
E. |