1. Benevolent prejudice occurs when people think of a particular group as inferior but also friendly and competent.
A. |
B. |
2. Personal achievement is valued highly in collectivistic cultures.
A. |
B. |
3. All cultures share the same degree of uncertainty avoidance.
A. |
B. |
4. All cultures share the same attitudes toward power distance.
A. |
B. |
5. Feminine cultures place importance upon competition and material gain.
A. |
B. |
6. People who have a monochronic time orientation rarely check the time.
A. |
B. |
7. Applying attributional complexity will help you strengthen your intercultural competence.
A. |
B. |
8. According to Communication Accomodation Theory, people are motivated to adapt their communication when they view others’ language usage as inappropriate.
A. |
B. |
9. A citizen living in an individualistic culture is more likely to openly protest the government than a citizen living in a collectivistic culture.
A. |
B. |
10. A society with a dominant culture cannot include co-cultures.
A. |
B. |