Essay Questions


1. Identify some of the ways that culture affects how individuals experience and express nonverbal communication. Give specific examples of how cultures differ.

[Model Answer] People from warmer climates use more touch than people from cooler climates. North Americans have a larger definition of personal space than people from other continents. In the United States, people with high power use a relaxed posture, while in Japan the opposite is true. Americans tend to have M-time orientations, while individuals from Africa and Latin America tend to have P-time orientations. The answer can be found on pages 162, 165, 166 - 167.


2. Describe the two ways that nonverbal communication is liberated through technology, and how this has affected the manner in which you communicate.

[Model Answer] Nonverbal communication is liberated through technology because we can choose various media, such as Skype and YouTube, for interactions. Employing these media enables us to hear and see others when interacting, which represents a change from the era in which phone calls restricted communication to the auditory channel. Today, we can use media to better maintain intimate, long-distance relationships. The answer can be found on page 158.


3. Describe the eight codes of nonverbal communication and provide an example of each.

[Model Answer] The eight codes of nonverbal communication are (1) kinesics, or visible body movements such as facial expressions and eye contact; (2) vocalics, or vocal characteristics such as loudness, pitch, speech rate, and tone; (3) haptics, or the duration, placement, and strength of touch such as social-polite touch; (4) proxemics, or the use of physical distance such as personal space; (5) chronemics, or the organization and use of time—such as people with M-time orientations being acutely aware of schedules; (6) physical appearance, such as hair, clothing, and body type; (7) artifacts, or personal possessions displayed to others (e.g., an expensive watch); and (8) environment, or the structure of physical surroundings (e.g., furniture and lighting). The answer can be found on pages 159 - 169.


4. Discuss the differences in the ways in which men and women communicate nonverbally.

[Model Answer] Research has shown that women are better than men at nonverbally communicating in ways receivers can correctly interpret, and women are more accurate than men in their interpretations of others’ nonverbal expressions. Women also show greater facial expressiveness and smile more frequently than men. Women gaze more at others during interpersonal interactions, particularly within same-gender conversations. Finally, men are more territorial than women, keeping more physical space between themselves and others during encounters. The answer can be found on pages 157 - 158.