1.82 IQ scores. Many standard statistical methods that you will study in Part II of this book are intended for use with distributions that are symmetric and have no outliers. These methods start with the mean and standard deviation, and s. For example, standard methods would typically be used for the IQ and GPA data in Table 1.3 (page 26).

  1. (a) Find and s for the IQ data. In large populations, IQ scores are standardized to have mean 100 and standard deviation 15. In what way does the distribution of IQ among these students differ from the overall population?

  2. (b) Find the median IQ score. It is, as we expect, close to the mean.

  3. (c) Find the mean and median for the GPA data. The two measures of center differ a bit. What feature of the data (see your stemplot in Exercise 1.39 or make a new stemplot) explains the difference?