image 11.20 Testing a collection of variables. Refer to the previous exercise. For the model that included all p = 4 explanatory variables, only InCostAid is found significant using the individual parameter t tests. This raises the question whether these other three variables further contribute to the prediction of average debt given in-state cost is in the model.

In this chapter, we discussed the F test for a collection of regression coefficients. In most cases, this capability is provided by the software. When it is not, the test can be performed using the R2-values from the larger (full) and smaller (reduced) models. The test statistic is

with q and np − 1 degrees of freedom. is the value for the full model, and is the value for the reduced model. Here n = 24 schools, p = 4 variables in the full model, and q = 3 variables were removed to form the reduced model. Plug in the values of R2 from part (b) of the previous exercise and the R2 value from Figure 10.13 (page 580). Compute the test statistic and P-value. Do Admit, GradRate, and OutCostAid combined add any significant predictive information beyond what is already contained in InCostAid?