12.45 The multiple-play strategy. Multiple play is a bundling strategy through which multiple services are provided over a single network. A common triple-play service these days is Internet, television, and telephone. The market for this service has become a key battleground among telecommunication, cable, and broadband service providers. A study compared the pricing (average monthly cost in U.S. dollars) among triple-play providers using DSL, cable, or fiber platforms.11 The following table summarizes the results for 47 providers.

  1. (a) Plot the means versus the platform type. Does there appear to be a difference in pricing?

  2. (b) Is it reasonable to assume that the variances are equal? Explain.

  3. (c) The F statistic is 3.39. Give the degrees of freedom and either an approximate (from a table) or an exact (from software) P-value. What do you conclude?