12.50 Facebook recruitment of young adult smokers. Studies about tobacco use have had difficulties recruiting young adults. Because Facebook is visited daily by a very large percent of young adults, researchers decided to investigate the effectiveness of using Facebook to recruit young adults for a smoking cessation trial. Thirty-six ads were run over a seven-week period, with each ad classified based on its image type. The effectiveness of each ad was assessed using the ad cost per unique click (CUC).

FIGURE 12.17 JMP output giving the ANOVA table for the Facebook recruitment study, Exercise 12.50.
  1. (a) Figure 12.17 contains the JMP output for the analysis of the CUCs by image type. State your conclusions based on this output.

  2. (b) The researchers concluded there were significant differences between the means for Cigarette and Logo and between the means for Cigarette and Social. Perform these comparisons using the least-significant differences (LSD) method. Do these comparisons have P-values below = 0.05?

  3. (c) Given your results in part (a), should the researchers report the results in part (b)? Explain your answer.