image 12.58 Do labels matter? A study was performed to examine the self-identification of college students of Asian descent with various identity categories and assess whether there are attitudinal differences across these categories. Undergraduates at a large midwestern university who had identified themselves as being of Asian descent on their admission application were asked to participate in the study.16 A total of 620 undergraduates filled out the survey. One question classified the participants into groups by asking them to indicate the option with which they primarily identify: (a) Asian American, (b) specific ethnicity (for example, Chinese), (c) ethnicity American (for example, Chinese American), and (d) other. The responses to the remaining survey questions were then compared across these four groups. One item was “The campus is supportive of Asian American students.’’ Responses were on a four-point scale (1 = strongly disagree, 4 = strongly agree). A summary of the results follows:

Asian American1302.93
Specific ethnicity2483.00
Ethnicity American1743.01
  1. (a) What are the numerator and denominator degrees of freedom for the F test?

  2. (b) Using the formula on page 662 and the preceding results, calculate SSG.

  3. (c) Given SSE = 797.25, use your result from part (b) to compute the F statistic.

  4. (d) Compute the P-value and state your conclusions.

  5. (e) Without doing any additional analysis, describe the pattern in the means that is likely responsible for your conclusions in part (d).