The effect of a limited time offer on purchase intent. Starbucks’ Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL) is the company’s most popular seasonal item. Why is this? Is it the unique flavor? Or could it be because it is only available for a limited time each year? To investigate this, some students surveyed 100 Starbucks consumers about their intent to purchase a PSL when it is offered in the fall.1 Half of the surveys included the upcoming PSL advertisement. The other half included the same advertisement with the additional words “Limited Time Offer’’ above the image of the drink. Because purchase intent may depend on how frequently a consumer visits Starbucks, the students included a survey question about this. The question was used to classify each customer as either a “light’’ or “heavy’’ user of Starbucks.


The factors for the two-way ANOVA are advertisement type with two levels and user status with two levels. There are 2 × 2 = 4 cells in their study. The outcome variable purchase intent is measured on a 1 to 7 scale.