2.12 Make a scatterplot. Let’s consider the laundry data with the outlier removed.

  1. (a) Make a scatterplot similar to Figure 2.2.

  2. (b) Two of the laundry detergents cost 14 cents per load with a rating of 60. Mark the location of these items on your plot.

  3. (c) Cases with identical values for both variables are generally indistinguishable in a scatterplot. To what extent do you think that this could give a distorted picture of the relationship between two variables for a data set that has a large number of duplicate values? Explain your answer.

  4. (d) An option called jitterjitter is available with some statistical software that will add a little noise to each point so that points with identical values will appear to be different. If you have software that includes this option, apply it to your plot and summarize the effect of the jittering.