2.158 Try logs. Refer to the previous two exercises. Figure 2.36 is a scatterplot with the least-squares regression line for log salary versus year. For this model, r2 = 0.9995.

  1. (a) Compare this plot with Figure 2.34. Write a short summary of the similarities and the differences.

  2. (b) Figure 2.37 is a plot of the residuals for the model using year to predict log salary. Compare this plot with Figure 2.35 and summarize your findings.


Figure 2.36 Plot of log salary versus year for an individual who receives approximately a 5% raise each year for 20 years, with the least-squares regression line, Exercise 2.158.
Figure 2.37 Plot of residuals, based on log salary, versus year for an individual who receives approximately a 5% raise each year for 20 years, Exercise 2.158.