image2.165 Plywood strength. How strong is a building material such as plywood? To be specific, support a 24-inch by 2-inch strip of plywood at both ends and apply force in the middle until the strip breaks. The modulus of rupture (MOR) is the force needed to break the strip. We would like to be able to predict MOR without actually breaking the wood. The modulus of elasticity (MOE) is found by bending the wood without breaking it. Both MOE and MOR are measured in pounds per square inch. Here are data for 32 specimens of the same type of plywood:39

2,005,400 11,591 2,181,910 12,702 1,774,850 10,541 1,747,010 11,794
1,166,360 8,542 1,559,700 11,209 1,457,020 10,314 1,791,150 11,413
1,842,180 12,750 2,372,660 12,799 1,959,590 11,983 2,535,170 13,920
2,088,370 14,512 1,580,930 12,062 1,720,930 10,232 1,355,720 9,286
1,615,070 9,244 1,879,900 11,357 1,355,960 8,395 1,646,010 8,814
1,938,440 11,904 1,594,750 8,889 1,411,210 10,654 1,472,310 6,326
2,047,700 11,208 1,558,770 11,565 1,842,630 10,223 1,488,440 9,214
2,037,520 12,004 2,212,310 15,317 1,984,690 13,499 2,349,090 13,645

Can we use MOE to predict MOR accurately? Use the data to write a discussion of this question.