2.28 What’s in the beer? The website beer100.com advertises itself as “Your Place for All Things Beer.” One of their “things” is a list of 159 domestic beer brands with the percent alcohol, calories per 12 ounces, and carbohydrates per 12 ounces (in grams).12

  1. (a) Figure 2.12 gives a scatterplot of calories versus percent alcohol. Give a short summary of what can be learned from the plot.

    Figure 2.12 Scatterplot of calories versus percent alcohol for 159 domestic brands of beer, Exercise 2.28.


  2. (b) One of the points is an outlier. Find the brand of the outlier. How is this brand of beer different from the other brands?

  3. (c) Remove the outlier from the data set and generate a scatterplot of the remaining data.

  4. (d) Describe the relationship between calories and percent alcohol based on what you see in your scatterplot.