2.98 College students by state. Refer to Exercise 2.75 (page 119), where you examined the relationship between the number of undergraduate college students and the populations for the 50 states.

  1. (a) Make a scatterplot of the data with the least-squares regression line.

  2. (b) Plot the residuals versus population.

  3. (c) Focus on California, the state with the largest population. Is this state an outlier when you consider only the distribution of population? Explain your answer and describe what graphical and numerical summaries you used as the basis for your conclusion.

  4. (d) Is California an outlier in the distribution of undergraduate college students? Explain your answer and describe what graphical and numerical summaries you used as the basis for your conclusion.

  5. (e) Is California an outlier when viewed in terms of the relationship between number of undergraduate college students and population? Explain your answer and describe what graphical and numerical summaries you used as the basis for your conclusion.

  6. (f) Is California influential in terms of the relationship between number of undergraduate college students and population? Explain your answer and describe what graphical and numerical summaries you used as the basis for your conclusion.