Xaume Olleros/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Which smartphone should be marketed? Two teams have each prepared a prototype for a new smartphone. Before deciding which one will be marketed, the smartphones will be evaluated by college students. Forty students will receive a new phone. They will use it for two weeks and then answer some questions about how well they like the phone. The 40 students will be randomized, with 20 receiving each phone.

This experiment has a single factor (prototype) with two levels. The researchers must divide the 40 student subjects into two groups of 20. To do this in a completely unbiased fashion, put the names of the 40 students in a hat, mix them up, and draw 20. These students will receive Phone 1, and the remaining 20 will receive Phone 2. Figure 3.3 outlines the design of this experiment.

Figure 3.3 Outline of a randomized comparative experiment, Example 3.11.