Matched pairs for the smartphone prototype experiment. Example 3.11 describes an experiment to compare two prototypes of a new smartphone. The experiment compared two treatments: Phone 1 and Phone 2. The response variable is the satisfaction of the college student participant with the new smartphone. In Example 3.11, 40 student subjects were assigned at random, 20 students to each phone. This is a completely randomized design, outlined in Figure 3.3. Subjects differ in how satisfied they are with smartphones in general. The completely randomized design relies on chance to create two similar groups of subjects.

If we wanted to do a matched pairs version of this experiment, we would have each college student use each phone for two weeks. An effective design would randomize the order in which the phones are evaluated by each student. This will eliminate bias due to the possibility that the first phone evaluated will be systematically evaluated higher or lower than the second phone evaluated.