image 3.37 Use the Simple Random Sample applet. The Simple Random Sample applet allows you to randomly assign experimental units to more than two groups without difficulty. Consider a randomized comparative experiment in which 100 students are randomly assigned to four groups of 25.

  1. (a) Use the applet to randomly choose 25 out of 100 students to form the first group. Which students are in this group?

  2. (b) The “population hopper” now contains the 75 students who were not chosen, in scrambled order. Click “Sample” again to choose 25 of these remaining students to make up the second group. Which students were chosen?

  3. (c) Click “Sample” one more time to choose the third group. Don’t take the time to write down this group. Check that there are only 25 students remaining in the “population hopper.” These subjects get Treatment 4. Which students are they?