3.69 The sampling frame. The list of individuals from which a sample is actually selected is called the sampling frame. Ideally, the frame should list every individual in the population, but in practice this is often difficult. A frame that leaves out part of the population is a common source of undercoverage.

  1. (a) Suppose that a sample of households in a community is selected at random from the telephone directory. What households are omitted from this frame? What types of people do you think are likely to live in these households? These people will probably be underrepresented in the sample.

  2. (b) It is usual in telephone surveys to use random digit dialing equipment that selects the last four digits of a telephone number at random after being given the area code and the exchange. The exchange is the first three digits of the telephone number. Which of the households that you mentioned in your answer to part (a) will be included in the sampling frame by random digit dialing?