Binomial examples? (a) Genetics says that children receive genes from their parents independently. Each child of a particular pair of parents has probability 0.25 of having type O blood. If these parents have three children, the number who have type O blood is the count X of successes in three independent trials with probability 0.25 of a success on each trial. So X has the B(3, 0.25) distribution.

(b) Engineers define reliability as the probability that an item will perform its function under specific conditions for a specific period of time. Replacement heart valves made of animal tissue, for example, have probability 0.77 of performing well for 15 years.14 The probability of failure within 15 years is, therefore, 0.23. It is reasonable to assume that valves in different patients fail (or not) independently of each other. The number of patients in a group of 500 who will need another valve replacement within 15 years has the B(500, 0.23) distribution.

(c) A multicenter trial is designed to assess a new surgical procedure. A total of 540 patients will undergo the procedure, and the count of patients X who suffer a major adverse cardiac event (MACE) within 30 days of surgery will be recorded. Because these patients will receive this procedure from different surgeons at different hospitals, it may not be true that the probability of a MACE is the same for each patient. Thus, X may not have the binomial distribution.