image 5.65 More on illegal downloading. Consider the settings of Exercises 5.62 and 5.64.

  1. (a) Using the 67% rate of Rogers subscribers prior to the new regulations, what is the smallest number m out of n = 15 Canadian ISP subscribers who receive a notice such that is no larger than 0.05? You might consider m or more subscribers as evidence that the rate in your sample is larger than 67%.

  2. (b) Now using the 75% rate of Canadian ISP subscribers after the new regulations and your answer to part (a), what is ? This represents the chance of obtaining enough evidence given that the rate is 75%.

  3. (c) If you were to increase the sample size from n = 15 to n = 100 and repeat parts (a) and (b), would you expect the probability in part (b) to increase or decrease? Explain your answer.