5.7 What population and sample? Thirty students from your college who are majoring in English are randomly selected to be on a committee to evaluate immediate changes in the statistics requirement for the major. There are 153 English majors at your college. The current rules say that a statistics course is one of three options for a quantitative competency requirement. The proposed change would be to require a statistics course. Each of the committee members is asked to vote Yes or No on the new requirement.

  1. (a) Describe the population for this setting.

  2. (b) What is the sample?

  3. (c) Describe the statistic and how it would be calculated.

  4. (d) What is the population parameter?

  5. (e) Write a short summary based on your answers to parts (a) through (d) using this setting to explain population, sample, parameter, statistic, and the relationships among these items.