Output for the Instagram significance test. We prefer to use software to obtain the significance test results for comparing the Instagram use of young women and men. Output from JMP and Minitab is given in Figure 8.7. JMP reports the significance tests for the two-sided alternative and for the two one-sided alternatives. We are interested in the two-sided alternative.

FIGURE 8.7 (a) JMP and (b) Minitab output for the Instagram significance test, Example 8.15.


Therefore, we report the P-value as < 0.0001. Minitab reports the test statistic, z = 5.60, and gives the P-value as 0.000 (this means P < 0.0005) for the Fisher exact test. This test is an alternative to the large-sample significance test that we have discussed. It is preferred by many, particularly for small sample sizes.