Aspirin and blood clots: Relative risk. A study of patients who had blood clots (venous thromboembolism) and had completed the standard treatment were randomly assigned to receive a low-dose aspirin or a placebo treatment. The 822 patients in the study were randomized to the treatments, 411 to each. Patients were monitored for several years for the occurrence of several related medical conditions. Counts of patients who experienced one or more of these conditions were reported for each year after the study began.18 The following table gives the data for a composite of events, termed “major vascular events.” Here, X is the number of patients who had a major event.

Population n X
1 (aspirin) 411 45 0.1095
2 (placebo) 411 73 0.1776
Total 822 118 0.1436

The relative risk is

Software gives the 95% confidence interval as 0.4364 to 0.8707. Taking aspirin has reduced the occurrence of major events to 62% of what it is for patients taking the placebo. The 95% confidence interval is 44% to 87%.